Monday, March 5, 2007

Stratford Garden Festival

March 1 thru 4 Betty and I setup and staffed a booth at the Stratford Garden Festival. We had the help of good friend Willa Wick from Harriston. Because of the terrible winter weather conditions throughout that time period, Betty opted to stay over at the Queens hotel, and I (Marv) attempted to commute from home since we have a heated greenhouse, and everything (including the house) is heated with wood.

Willa, living even farther north of us didn't even make it in until Saturday, then stayed over with Betty. I made it home Thursday night, but couldn't get out Friday.

Friday was slow, but the other 3 days had a remarkably good turnout. Great to chat with old friends, hand out catalogues, sell a whole bunch of hosta roots, but most of all just talk all weekend about gardens and spring.

We brought all our stuff home Sunday nite and then continued work on Betty's 45 minute PowerPoint talk scheduled for Thursday March 8 at Canada Blooms in the Toronto Convention Center.

...........................Willa at our booth ................ ........... Marv grabbing brekky

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