All garden visitors carry a shovel sideways.
Good morning - and wow - how many days now without rain!! Our hard Maryborough Clay has cracks in it - not sure how deep, but I thought for sure the sound of rickshaws was emanating from one yesterday. All garden visitors are required to carry a shovel sideways to prevent them from falling through completely. Our wonderful old trusty well with the amazing tasting water only gives forth three gallons a minute, and with a dozen thirsty heifers, ourselves and our neighbours who also make use of it, precious little is left for watering pots, much less the beds and fields. And it is not officially summer yet. We plant our hostas into the field for growing on. This springs' plans included revamping the rows in the fields, but we had not counted on there being so many orders or shipping taking this long. we cannot seem to get past 12 to 15 per day. We HAVE to be done before June 21st- for sure. For sure for sure. that leaves us only a few more days to do this - but we are working on it. Many of the orders are getting smaller and smaller as we are sold out of various cultivars. It doesn't help that about 70 of them did not deign to make an appearance this spring. But - I guess, better they die in my garden than someone else's. Glorious day out there - and more daylilies blooming every day. Lots of scapes coming up.
And so I am off to get more orders out this wonderful day - a bit of cloud, 10 degrees, what a perfect day!! God Bless. B
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