On the home stretch!
And what a great and glorious morning it is! But BRRRRR. Chilly! At only 9 dC, it bears wearing a sweatshirt this morning. Yes - even with those temperatures, some of the daylilies are out this morning - APRICOT, BITSY, SARATOGA SPRINGTIME, PENNYSWORTH and of course, the indomitable STELLA D'ORO. There are lots and lots of scapes up too, and very soon we should be seeing LITTLE RED SPRING SONG which is great since it is a non-yellow extra early. (See the name Hostas are huge this year with the rain and heat and rain and heat and rain - and now - brrr - cold. Everything seems early, but then, I am getting older faster too, and so time goes far too quickly.
Since we decided to not do any more subs in the orders, and since so much is sold out, our order shipping has gone very much quicker. IF all goes as we plan - and as I have said before, if you want to hear God Laugh, just tell Him your plans - we should be done shipping in 9 more working days. HOORAYY - then I can get to the weeding. It so desperately needs to be done. We have learned SO much this past few months about what to do differently next year.
Saturday I was volunteering at the Niagara Garden and Flower Show. My Master Gardener Name Tag was out and visible, and it was remarkable how many people recognized it, even without the Floral and Hardy attachment. It was great to gab with people - especially you, Judy - more later.
but for now - out to the greenhouse to package more orders to go out. Many thanks to all of you who have given words of encouragement and suggestions for improvement. We take each one to heart and learn what you want and do not want. Sometimes it DOES remind me though, of the characteristics and requirements for a new pastor - and the suggestions are not possible to be all fulfilled - no subs, more subs, wrap more, wrap less, don't wrap (leave loose in box); bags around roots vs NO BAGS ON ROOTS EVER; wrap dry, wrap wet, send earlier, send later; don't bother me with changes vs let me know every option; let me plant them and don't send instructions vs I would like the specific requirements and bud counts and sun requirements for each cultivar;
We WILL read and take to heart every suggestion. We DO care and will for sure do our best to make nearly everyone happy. As to the lady who called me at 8:00 am Sunday morning and cursed me because her April order had not yet appeared, well, this morning her refund cheque will just go into the mail with a smile. So - back outside now - sweatshirt for now as it is cloudy and cool - perfect weather for the digging and packing and work we are doing. And the packages will go out better too. We are planning to have a wonderful happy blessed day. May yours be at least as great. B
when i was weeding, I tossed a few of the weeds to my peanut gallery, not realizing it would cause a competition for the tender morsels. Now - how to collect this accelerated compost...
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