Monday, January 29, 2007

Christmas in Kaua'i

Red Dirt fields at Waimea 12.23.2006Good morning and Merry Christmas from Kaua'i!! For some reason today I cannot turn off the underline in this editor, so we are stuck with it. Thank you so very much for the wonderful emails we received and the great comments and encouragement from friends who are saying we should keep writing this blog on a regular basis.
So - what do you think - ahhh - the underline is GONE!! Hooray!!
So - isn't that amazing red dirt? it is like that so much of Kaua'i. Pretty amazing contrast really. I am not a geologist, but since this is nearly the oldest of the Hawai'ian Islands, it has undergone the most erosion. and with that, there is now wonderful rich soil. How, though, do we correlate this amazing red rich soil to the black smooth rocks that line the beaches? and the nearly white sand? Such contrast! Such beauty!! At the moment I am overlooking Kaua'i beach, watching the waves roll in on the shore, what an amazing beauty. And black swans and muscovy ducks paddling about in a tide pool, people with fishing poles stuck into the sand, and the constant rolling in of the waves. The wave faces are 8 to 10 feet, and a good rule of thumb is - if the Hawaiians are not in the water - you stay out too. And so - no one is in the water. Actually, the beach is remarkably empty. We attended an amazing Christmas Eve Candlelight service last night, it was great - and are heading out soon for a rediculously oppulent Christmas Brunch at the Hyatt - hey - it's Christmas, and since we ahve no family here to be with, who better than a bunch of Hawaiians.... We are looking forward to a great day, and hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Blessings to all -Betty and Marv

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