Monday, January 29, 2007

Inch by Inch

GOOD MORNING!! WOW -- another glorious day in Ontario. Today is promising to be a great day to work outside. In the past week we have enjoyed amazing thunderstorms, power failures and torrential rains of biblical proportions. And today - a sunny wonderful day. Get that UV screen on!
As we ship more and more orders and as we get more and more feedback from the recipients, we are learning more and more. So we are planning to change how we are doing things. The plants are getting to their destinations in great shape, and after a few hours in water, are hitting the ground running for sure. What has taken me HOURS and hours is selecting substitutions for people when some of the plants are no longer available - for any number of reasons - it could be that cultivar really failed badly over the winter, or that the tags were tossed out by the clay in one of those freezes, and it si a sketchy part in our map, so we may not be 110% sure which plant it is until it blooms - and that makes it non-shippable. whatever the reason. Your orders were so much larger and there were so many more of them that what we had figured, that we are sold out of many things. And - I have been spending Hour after Hour picking the best substitutions I could come up with, trying to divine what the flavour of the order was - pinks, lates, dormants, whatever the common thread or theme was. Well, new policy as of this morning. If subs are requested, we are doing no more than two of them per order. And we will make a refund cheque for the balance if there is one, and from there on, just have to go forward next season. This will hopefully dramatically speed up the shipping process. The other theme we have received from people is that they really want the plants and do not care if they have been shipped later in the week. we are still going to try to get as much out on monday and tuesday as possible, but will start also adding shipments on the other days. Hopefully the number we are digging that day will start going up dramatically. Highest number we have on score is 800. We want to be all done by - at the latest - June 23rd. and are working hard to do that. so - i will TRY to update here every day or so, and update the numbers as well.
Enjoy your day - many blessings to you all.

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